Based in Santa Ana, California, Dianoush Emami has overseen electrical projects, performed quality control checks, and ensured safe industry practices. Dianoush Emami’s professional portfolio includes automatic meter reading (AMR) programs.
Customer usage of electricity, water, or natural gas used to be measured by meter readers visiting homes and writing down numbers. AMR simplifies this procedure by providing them with handheld recording devices. This enabled utilities to bill for exact usage rather than relying on projections or estimates.
More recently, AMR is giving way to advanced metering infrastructure (AMI). AMI nodes eliminate the need for walk-by measuring by sending usage data to a central database through a dedicated network or a cellular connection. These systems can be scaled to communities of any size.
AMI offers other advantages. Utilities can show users their times and amounts of usage, allowing them get peak-hour or other time-of-usage rates. In addition, outages can be precisely mapped for more efficient routing of repair personnel; the system also allows web users to locate blackouts. Finally, AMI lets companies connect and disconnect customers within hours and better detect cheating.